Our Functional Approach to Biomarker Ranges

At Keyspan, we believe in promoting wellness and preventing disease by closely monitoring your blood biomarkers. Unlike the traditional medical model, which primarily flags biomarkers that fall outside conventional "normal" ranges, our approach shifts these ranges to a tighter value scale. This allows us to detect and address potential health issues before they develop into more serious conditions.
Why Keyspan Ranges are More Stringent
The traditional approach used by primary care physicians often focuses on treating diseases that are already present. At Keyspan, our goal is to intervene much earlier—before the disease process fully takes hold. This is why you might see one of your biomarkers in a yellow or red zone on our scale, even if your primary care physician has marked it as "normal." By using more stringent ranges, we aim to keep your biomarkers within an optimal range to promote long-term health and wellness. Health, in our view, is a process, not just a single number or score.
Examples of Our Functional Ranges vs. Conventional Ranges
To illustrate the difference between our functional ranges and conventional ranges, let's look at a few specific biomarkers:
Example Biomarkers
- Keyspan Optimal Range: 65-89 mg/dL
- Conventional Range: Up to 99 mg/dL Explanation: We consider glucose levels between 65-89 mg/dL to be optimal, while levels above 99 mg/dL (which are often still considered "normal" in conventional medicine) are flagged as moderately high. This allows us to address potential issues with blood sugar regulation early on.
Hemoglobin A1c:
- Keyspan Optimal Range: Less than 5.5%
- Conventional Range: Up to 5.7% Explanation: By setting a tighter range, we aim to catch and manage insulin resistance or pre-diabetes before it escalates to diabetes.
Cholesterol, Total:
- Keyspan Optimal Range: Less than 200 mg/dL
- Conventional Range: Up to 239 mg/dL Explanation: We flag total cholesterol levels above 200 mg/dL as moderately high to promote proactive management of cardiovascular risk.
LDL Cholesterol:
- Keyspan Optimal Range: Less than 110 mg/dL
- Conventional Range: Up to 129 mg/dL Explanation: Lower LDL levels are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, so we aim for stricter control.
Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy):
- Keyspan Optimal Range: 50-90 ng/mL
- Conventional Range: 30-100 ng/mL Explanation: Optimal vitamin D levels are crucial for bone health and immune function. We set a tighter optimal range to ensure sufficient but not excessive levels.
Testosterone (Male):
- Keyspan Optimal Range: 400-899 ng/dL
- Conventional Range: 300-1000 ng/dL Explanation: Our optimal range is designed to support energy levels, muscle mass, and overall well-being, catching potential deficiencies or excesses earlier.
C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac (hs-CRP):
- Keyspan Optimal Range: Less than 1 mg/L
- Conventional Range: Up to 3 mg/L Explanation: Lower levels of hs-CRP indicate lower levels of inflammation, which is crucial for preventing chronic diseases.
Our Functional Approach in Practice
By tightening the acceptable ranges for these biomarkers, we can identify when your numbers are creeping into the red zone and take action before any significant health issues arise. For example, if your glucose levels are consistently in the moderately high range (89-99 mg/dL), our health coaches will work with you to adjust your diet and lifestyle to bring these levels down to the optimal range.
In Summary
At Keyspan, we embrace a functional approach to blood biomarker ranges to promote wellness and prevent disease. Our more stringent ranges are designed to catch potential health issues early, enabling proactive management and intervention. Health is a continuous process, and by keeping your biomarkers within optimal ranges, we aim to support your long-term well-being. By understanding and embracing these ranges, you are taking a significant step towards proactive health management.